The book is like a time machine with the premium function of dimensional travel.
The book is like a time machine with the premium function of dimensional travel.
"Friends are like flowers in the garden of life." (unknown author)
The landscape that appears before you often offers beautiful views...I enjoy this type of movement, I feel it engages my whole body and makes me feel good.
I take the liberty of giving incompetent advice on how to maintain your mental well-being...
I used to have lucid dreams almost every sleep. It's about what I pay attention to, I reinforce it, I paid a lot of attention to it.
I didn't even notice how he was gradually trying to change me into his own image. I was young, inexperienced, and he was thirteen years older. It wasn't long before we started living together...
Big cleaning, gift shopping, baking cookies, family visits, and other activities... They say Christmas is a holiday of peace, but I don't know what's so peaceful about it...
Advent is coming. Christmas is slowly knocking on the door and preparations for the holiday of peace and tranquility are in full swing. How is it going in your place?
We run and run and run... but where to? What's the point of running? Is it boring or is this activity getting us somewhere? It has a different meaning for many people... read on to find out more...
Free Hugs is a very well-known global act that happens on the streets among ordinary people, yet the act has great depth... I have written down my experiences that have left a lot in me...
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