Each of us has our own story, our own secret dream that we are working towards...
Each of us has our own story, our own secret dream that we are working towards...
So now the question: Are you aware of how you spend your time? Fully?
This quote popped out at me completely by accident when I was searching the internet for some advice. And I have to admit, it was almost an accident of fate.
I take the liberty of giving incompetent advice on how to maintain your mental well-being...
I thought about the women who have captivated me with their fate, how they were exceptional in their time, and how they can still inspire today... I finally thought about it and came up with important names...
Writer's Block. The legendary blanket that stifles the slightest twitch of the muse and the stricken author blinks at the blank page of paper like a chicken trapped in a snowball.
A cliché or a significant step or approach to change something in your life? Why is it important to set New Year's resolutions? They are actually small steps towards a better life, how you can achieve what you want...
Big cleaning, gift shopping, baking cookies, family visits, and other activities... They say Christmas is a holiday of peace, but I don't know what's so peaceful about it...
In today's hectic times, when our attention is constantly distracted by various obligations and requests, the art of saying "no" is a challenge for many of us... Where do you stand?
If you're an aspiring writer, sooner or later you'll run into several problems associated with creating new stories. Good news. You're not the first or the last!
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